Friday, October 12, 2007

Global Positioning System(GPS)

All About The Global Positioning System

Technology continues to improve and become better as the years go by. The last decade alone has seen tremendous innovations and breakthroughs when it comes to technology and its use in different fields. Perhaps what is most remarkable is that technological gadgets and advancements are now becoming more and more mainstream as devices are being made for mass consumers in mind. Nowadays a regular person has access to technology and gadgets that would seem like science fiction to an era just a few decades ago.

Take the Global Positioning System or GPS for example. While this system was initially developed by the Department of Defense, civilians can now use this technology and benefit greatly from it. Even before individuals had access to personal GPS devices, airplanes were using this system to navigate the skies. The GPS is able to aid in navigation by means of several satellites orbiting the earth specifically for this purpose.

The communication between the satellites and the receiver allows the GPS device to calculate its exact location. That's why even if you aren't a pilot, you can benefit from a GPS device if you like to hike or trek in the outdoors. Instead of a compass, utilize a GPS device to be able to tell exactly where you are. The GPS device will help you navigate through the outdoors with precision that a compass may not be able to give.

That is, you will need to learn about declination and be able to compute the difference between the magnetic north and the true north when using a compass. With a GPS device however, you can be assured that given that it is working correctly, it will give you a very precise description of your location and help you navigate your way. Any errors that may incur from the GPS has been anticipated and corrected appropriately.

GPS systems are also used in cars to be able to help drivers navigate new territory. Having a good and updated GPS system installed in the car eliminates the need for deciphering a map. A map can be difficult to manage especially because it is difficult if not dangerous to consult your map while driving. A GPS device in your car serves as an interactive map, which you can use while driving so that you can easily navigate your way anywhere.

With all the benefits of GPS to everyday life, we can expect the technology to get better and become more in demand.

Satellite Radio

The Advantages Of Satellite Radio

One of the great advantages of satellite radio is the fact that the programs are not interrupted by commercials. This is because the provider’s income comes from listeners and not from advertisers. Satellite radio services offer around 70 programs of commercial fee music channels each and you have a great variety of choices, from mainstream rock, hip-hop and dance music to folk music, opera, blues and many more.

Another great thing about satellite radio is the absence of static. You can be driving from the West Coast to the East Coast in the United States of America and you will not get any static at all on the way. The satellite radio signal is digital, which means that you will get crystal-clear sound wherever you go.

Satellite radio tuners receive, along with the actual radio programs, an influx of metadata that consists of information regarding song title, artist, radio program and radio channel. This means that your satellite radio receiver will display all the necessary information about what you are listening to. For instance, if you hear a great song and you want to know which artist sings it, you just look at the receiver‘s display.

All satellite radio programs are uncensored. This is one of the reasons why artists like Howard Stern chose to move their shows on satellite radio. You can also listen to your favorite hip-hop songs without the interruption of those annoying ‘beep’ sounds.

Satellite radio programs also offer information about local traffic and weather conditions. The information is very detailed especially for those who live in big cities. If there is a major national calamity and other terrestrial radio stations will not work, you can always count on getting accurate information from satellite radio program. You can also listen to satellite radio online on your computer.

If you still are not convinced on why you should pay money for something that you can get for free, think about how much time you have wasted listening to commercials and all kinds of other boring stuff on terrestrial radio programs. Traditional radio is not free, despite the popular belief. It is time-consuming and irritating because you have to listen to five minutes or more of commercials so that you can finally hear a song you like. The satellite radio subscriptions are very affordable and, for around 13 dollars per month, you get exactly the programs you want, which you can listen to wherever you are, at the best sound quality.

Satellite radio is great for you especially if you travel a lot. If you are traveling across the United States of America, for example, you can listen to the channel or channels you want during your whole trip, without losing signal or getting static. If you have a traditional radio, you will have to keep changing channels every hundred miles, but if you are using satellite radio you do not have to do that because the geographically availability of programs is not a problem.

Satellite radio subscribers will soon get the chance to watch video programs as well. Both Sirius and XM services have announced their intention of introducing in the near future a variety of video satellite channels that will have some of the great advantages that are currently available to satellite radio: commercial free programs, great quality of sound and vast geographical availability.

Cell Phone Download Music?

Can Your Cell Phone Download Music?

Features of music capable phones vary depending on the technology of the phone. Some music capable phones come with built in iTunes software. Others incorporate MP3 players and include expansion slots for more memory. And others will allow you to tune into FM radio from your cellular handset. Many of these music phones will allow you a combination of the aforementioned features.

If your phone has iTunes incorporated, it will hold approximately 100 songs or so. And if you are already a user of iTunes, you can even sync your cell phone to your iTunes software by simply using a USB cable. Then you simply drag and drop your music files from your music library directly to your cell phone.

Music cell phones that include a built in stereo MP3 player will hold approximately 25 songs. In order to increase the ability to store more songs, these phones include a memory expansion slot. The number of songs that you are able to store on your memory card depends on the memory card size.

If you own a newer model smartphone, then you most likely already have an MP3 player incorporated into your cell phone. These smartphones will even allow you to download music from your computer, via such applications as Windows Media Player.

For those of you who love the idea of listening to your favorite radio station via your cell phone, many companies now offer phones that include this capability. You are able to stream live FM radio and satellite radio to your cell phone. Some companies even offer the popular Sirius satellite radio programming through built in media players.

Many mobile carriers allow cell phone users to download software to their cellular handsets that allows access to the carriers’ own music stores. Users can then choose and wirelessly download their favorite music to their cell phones for a small per usage fee.

If you have ever considered purchasing an MP3 player, then purchasing a call phone that can download music may be just the solution for you. You get access to your favorite music and the ability to keep in touch with your friends and family with one device. And since many of the newer cell phone models will fit right into your pocket, convenience and portability are never an issue.

Prepaid Cell Phone Plan

Considering a Prepaid Cell Phone Plan

With a prepaid phone plan, you are automatically approved. There is no credit check required – you simply choose your phone and your plan and you are done. In the past, you were limited in choice of phone styles and features, but this is fast becoming a thing of the past. So if you have less than perfect credit, a prepaid cell phone plan may be right for you.

With a prepaid phone plan, you do not have to worry about a bill each month, as you would with a typical cell phone plan. This is because you pay for your minute usage in advance. When you use all your minutes, you can simply buy additional minutes.

Prepaid cell phone plans also include features that you would find with typical contract cell phone plans. They have really come a long way. You can choose voicemail, caller ID, and even text messaging. You even have access to the latest cell phone models, such as camera phones and music capable phones.

Prepaid cell phone plans are also a great option for teenagers who are just learning to handle responsibility. You have peace of mind as a parent knowing that you can stay in touch with your child at all times. You are also freed from worry knowing that your child cannot create any surprise bills for you at the end of the month.

You may also consider a prepaid cell phone plan if you rarely use your cell phone or allocate its use for emergency purposes only.

A prepaid phone plan is great for those with less than the best credit or for those who have little money to spend. It is a great tool for learning financial management skills and responsibility, if you struggle in these areas.

One of the defining factors for many of those who are considering a prepaid cell phone plan is freedom. You are free from contracts. You are free from a monthly bill. You are free to change and switch companies and cell phone plans as often as you wish with a prepaid cell phone plan.

Shopping for a prepaid phone plan is no different than shopping for a typical cell phone plan with a contract. Shop around, assess your needs and choices, and then choose the best prepaid plan for your lifestyle.

Bluetooth And Apple

Bluetooth And Apple

The new Apple powerbook G4 are among the first computers to offer Bluetooth technology 2.0+EDR. The 2.0+EDR technology, which still backwards compatible with 1.0, is up to three times faster than previous versions, offering maximum data rate transfers of up to 3 MBps. Being the first company to certify a system with 2.0+EDR, Apple continues to make great use of the Bluetooth technology.

Full support - In addition to the powerbook G4 portables, there are other Bluetooth enabled computers available from Apple, including the iBook, iMac G5, eMac, and the Power Mac G5.

Making life easier - When you turn the Bluetooth feature on, your Mac can easily perform a file transfer or even a synchronization. From the Bluetooth selection menu, you can choose to either send a file or browse devices, quickly and easily. Or, you can click the sync button in iSync to update your cell phone or Palm OS handheld.

The Mac and GSM/GPRS mobile phone with Bluetooth work to make each other more useful. By using iSync, you can keep your phone updated without having to type any info, as you can keep the information in the more manageable address book on your Mac instead.

You can also use your Bluetooth enabled Mac to print documents and digital images to select a printer that also supports the technology of Bluetooth. Or, you can also use a headset to talk to your friends during an iChat session.

Your Mac also has the ability to use Bluetooth technology to communicate with your Palm OS handheld. This way, you can perform a HotSync operation without using any cables. You can also send your business card or calendar events directly to someone else's handheld usingthe technology of Bluetooth.

The implementation of Bluetooth by Apple is the latest in a series of moves that have caused great shift in the computer industry. Apple established USB as the standard interface with the launching of the first Mac back in 1998.

Since then, Apple established the 802.11 wireless standard of networking with the launch of the iBook and AirPort in 1999. During 2003, Apple launched AirPort Extreme, which was based on the new 802.11g high speed technology of wireless.

Now, Bluetooth helps to further strengthen the dominant position of the Mac in wireless communications, helping to preserve Apple's reputation for being the first to market with innovative technology that integrates right into the operating system.

Bluetooth Technical Operations

Bluetooth Technical Operations

Bluetooth is a high speed, low powered wireless link technology that's designed to connect phones or other portable equipment together with little to no work required by the user. Unlike infrared, Bluetooth doesn't require line of site positioning to work.

Current prototype circuits are contained on a board that is 0.9 cm square, with a much smaller circuit board being developed.

When one Bluetooth device comes in contact with another, they will automatically exchange addresses and details of capability. Then, they can establish a 1 MB link with security that they will use as required. The protocols involved with handle both data and voice, with a very flexible topography.

The technology achieves its goal by embedding tiny, non expensive short range tranceivers into the devices available today. The radio operates on the 2.45 GHz frequency band, and supports up to 721 KBps, along with three voice channels.

Each devices offers a unique 48 bit address from the IEEE 802 standard, with the connections being point to point or multipoint. The max range is 10 meters, although it can be extended to 100 meters by increasing the power. The devices are also protected from radio interference by changing their frequencies, also known as frequency hopping.

What's important, is the fact that Bluetooth devices won't drain battery life. The specification targets power consumption of the device, limiting the drain on the battery. The radio chip will consume only 0.3mA in stand by mode, which is less than 5% of the power that standard phones use.

Bluetooth will also guarantee security at the bit level. The authentification is controlled by the user via a 128 bit key. The radio signals can be coded with anything up to 128 bit. With the frequency hopping, Bluetooth is already very hard to listen into.

The baseband protocol is a combination of both circuit and packet switches. Slots can be reserved for synchronous packets as well. Each packet will be transmitted in a different hop frequency. Normally, a packet covers a single slot although it can be extended to cover up to five slots.

Bluetooth can also support data channels of up to three simultaneous voice channels. Therefore, it's possible to transfer the data while you talk at the same time. Each individual voice channel will support 64 KB.

From a technical standpoint, Bluetooth is very different indeed. It's the best wireless method in the world, surpassing even infrared. For communication on the go, Bluetooth is indeed very hard to compete with.

Disadvantages Of Bluetooth

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Bluetooth

Bluetooth has a lot to offer with an increasingly difficult market place. Bluetooth helps to bring with it the promise of freedom from the cables and simplicity in networking that has yet to be matched by LAN (Local Area Network).

In the key marketplace, of wireless and handheld devices, the closest competitor to Bluetooth is infrared. Infrared holds many key features, although the line of sight it provides doesn't go through walls or through obstacles like that of the Bluetooth technology.

Unlike infrared, Bluetooth isn't a line of sight and it provides ranges of up to 100 meters. Bluetooth is also low power and low processing with an overhead protocol. What this means, is that it's ideal for integration into small battery powered devices. To put it short, the applications with Bluetooth are virtually endless.


Bluetooth has several positive features and one would be extremely hard pressed to find downsides when given the current competition. The only real downsides are the data rate and security. Infrared can have data rates of up to 4 MBps, which provides very fast rates for data transfer, while Bluetooth only offers 1 MBps.

For this very reason, infrared has yet to be dispensed with completely and is considered by many to be the complimentary technology to that of Bluetooth. Infrared has inherent security due to its line of sight.

The greater range and radio frequency (RF) of Bluetooth make it much more open to interception and attack. For this reason, security is a very key aspect to the Bluetooth specification.

Although there are very few disadvantages, Bluetooth still remains the best for short range wireless technology. Those who have tried it love it, and they know for a fact that Bluetooth will be around for years to come.


10 Benefits Of Bluetooth

Below, are 10 benefits and reasons to use Bluetooth technology.

1. Wireless - As you probably already know, there are many benefits and advantages to using wireless devices. Along with improving safety as a result of eliminating wires you don't need, wireless also offers you plenty of other advantages. When traveling with your laptop or other wireless devices, you'll no longer have to worry about bringing connection cables.

2. Bluetooth is actually inexpensive - The technology of Bluetooth is cheap for companies to implement, which results in lower costs for the company. These savings are then passed from the company on to you.

3. Bluetooth is automatic - Bluetooth doesn't have you set up a connection or push any buttons. When two or more devices enter a range of up to 30 feet of each other, they will automatically begin to communicate without you having to do anything.

4. Standardized protocol - Bluetooth is standardized wireless, meaning that a high level of compatibility among devices is guaranteed. Bluetooth will connect devices to each other, even if they aren't the same model.

5. Low interference - Bluetooth devices almost always avoid interference from other wireless devices. Bluetooth uses a technique known as frequency hopping, and also low power wireless signals.

6. Low energy consumption - As a result of Bluetooth using low power signals, the technology requires very little energy and will use less battery or electrical power as a result. This is an excellent benefit for mobile devices, as Bluetooth won't drain the battery.

7. Sharing voice and data - The standard for Bluetooth will allow compatible devices to share data and voice communications. This is great for mobile phones and headsets, as Bluetooth simplifies driving and talking on your cell phone.

8. Instant PAN (Personal Area Network) - You can connect up to seven Bluetooth devices to each other within a range of up to 30 feet, forming a piconet or PAN. For a single room, you can also set up multiple piconets.

9. Upgradeable - Upgradeable is the standard for Bluetooth. There are newer versions of Bluetooth in the works, which offer many new advantages and backward compatible with older versions.

10. The technology stays - Bluetooth technology is a world wide, universal wireless standard. With it being as popular as it is, you can count on it being around for years to come. As more and more devices start to use Bluetooth technology, more manufacturers will be eager to make their products compatible. A chain reaction will occur, making Bluetooth the standard for cutting edge wireless.