Friday, October 12, 2007

Global Positioning System(GPS)

All About The Global Positioning System

Technology continues to improve and become better as the years go by. The last decade alone has seen tremendous innovations and breakthroughs when it comes to technology and its use in different fields. Perhaps what is most remarkable is that technological gadgets and advancements are now becoming more and more mainstream as devices are being made for mass consumers in mind. Nowadays a regular person has access to technology and gadgets that would seem like science fiction to an era just a few decades ago.

Take the Global Positioning System or GPS for example. While this system was initially developed by the Department of Defense, civilians can now use this technology and benefit greatly from it. Even before individuals had access to personal GPS devices, airplanes were using this system to navigate the skies. The GPS is able to aid in navigation by means of several satellites orbiting the earth specifically for this purpose.

The communication between the satellites and the receiver allows the GPS device to calculate its exact location. That's why even if you aren't a pilot, you can benefit from a GPS device if you like to hike or trek in the outdoors. Instead of a compass, utilize a GPS device to be able to tell exactly where you are. The GPS device will help you navigate through the outdoors with precision that a compass may not be able to give.

That is, you will need to learn about declination and be able to compute the difference between the magnetic north and the true north when using a compass. With a GPS device however, you can be assured that given that it is working correctly, it will give you a very precise description of your location and help you navigate your way. Any errors that may incur from the GPS has been anticipated and corrected appropriately.

GPS systems are also used in cars to be able to help drivers navigate new territory. Having a good and updated GPS system installed in the car eliminates the need for deciphering a map. A map can be difficult to manage especially because it is difficult if not dangerous to consult your map while driving. A GPS device in your car serves as an interactive map, which you can use while driving so that you can easily navigate your way anywhere.

With all the benefits of GPS to everyday life, we can expect the technology to get better and become more in demand.

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